Maine Hoops Invitational Tournament Schedules
Click here for Tournament Weekly Schedule - June 17,18 Schedule
NOTE: If Schedule does not appear in the Menu Heading when you go to the link, it means we have not released the schedule yet, check back later.
We are using a scheduling app through Exposure Basketball Events. If you search them in your App store, you can download for free. If you subscribe from within the App to a team in the event, you will get scoring updates and be able to check pools, driving directions, etc... we highly recommend you sharing this information with parents and have them download the app, they will always have the most up date schedule at their fingertips!!
Please Note home team is required to provide a Score Sheet keeper and visiting team is responsible for timer at the table. Please check back frequently for any changes. FACILITY ADDRESSES ARE ON SCHEDULE - Gyms DO NOT open until 30 minutes before first game - so please plan accordingly.
If you don't find your team please contact Lenny Holmes at - Thank You.
Gilman Street
Basketball Club
Raising Basketball IQ's One Player at a Time!
The Basketball Institute